• Investment involves risk and the Sub-Funds of the BOCHK Investment Funds, NCB Investment Funds, BOCIP Asset Management Investment Funds and BOC-Prudential Index Fund Series (the "Sub-Funds") mentioned in this web page may not be suitable for everyone.
  • Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The Sub-Funds are subject to market fluctuations and exchange rate fluctuations and to the risks inherent in all investments. Price of Units and the income generated from them (if any) may go down as well as up. Therefore, investors could face no returns and/ or suffer significant loss related to the investments. There is no guarantee in respect of repayment of principal.
  • Investing in emerging markets / the People's Republic of China (“PRC”) market may involve increased risks and special considerations not typically associated with investment in more developed markets, such as liquidity risks, currency risks / control, political and economic uncertainties, legal and taxation risks, settlement risks, custody risk and the likelihood of a high degree of volatility.
  • For those Sub-Funds that invest in single country / region, they are subject to concentration or single country / region risk.
  • For those Sub-Funds with investments relating to Mainland market, they are subject to the risks of investing in emerging markets generally and the risks specific to the China market. They may also subject to PRC tax risk.
  • For those Sub-Funds invest in equities, the relevant Sub-Funds' investment in equity securities is subject to general market risks, whose value may fluctuate due to various factors, such as changes in investment sentiment, political and economic conditions and issuer-specific factors.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in the Small and Medium Enterprise ("SME") board and/or the ChiNext market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, they are subject to risks associated with the SME board and/or ChiNext market, such as higher fluctuation on stock prices, over-valuation risk, delisting risk and differences in regulations.
  • For those Sub-Funds invest in small-capitalisation / mid-capitalisation companies, they are subject to risk associated with small-capitalisation / mid-capitalisation companies. The stock of small-capitalisation / mid-capitalisation companies may have lower liquidity and their prices are more volatile to adverse economic developments than those of larger capitalisation companies in general.
  • For those Sub-Funds invest in the equity market in Mainland China, they are subject to risk associated with high volatility of the equity market in Mainland China, and risk associated with regulatory/ exchanges requirements/ policies of the equity market in Mainland China.
  • For those Sub-Funds which have direct access to certain eligible A shares via Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and / or Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, they are subject to risks associated with the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (collectively the “Shanghai and Shenzhen Connect”). The relevant rules and regulations on Shanghai and Shenzhen Connect are subject to change which may have potential retrospective effect. Each of Shanghai and Shenzhen Connect is subject to a set of Daily Quota, which does not belong to the Sub-Funds and can only be utilized on a first-come-first serve basis. Where a suspension in the trading through the programme is effected, the Sub-Funds’ ability to invest in A shares or access the PRC market through the programme will be adversely affected. In such event, the Sub-Funds’ ability to achieve their investment objectives could be negatively affected.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in A shares indirectly through investment in equity linked instruments (“ELIs”) issued by institutions or their affiliates with Qualified Foreign Investors / Qualified Investors or QI (“QI”) status in the PRC, they are subject to risk relating to Investment in ELIs, including: illiquidity risk, potential lack of economic benefits of underlying A shares, repatriation risk, valuation risk, credit risk and QI risk.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in debt securities, they are subject to credit risk, counterparty risk, credit rating risk, interest rate risk, downgrading risk, valuation risk, sovereign debt risk, and liquidity and volatility risks (if applicable).
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in Mainland China onshore debt securities/fixed income instruments, they are subject to credit rating agency risk associated with investments in Mainland China onshore debt securities/fixed income instruments.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in debt securities/fixed income instruments in Mainland market, they are subject to liquidity and volatility risks associated with investments in debt securities/fixed income instruments in Mainland market.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in debt securities rated below investment grade or unrated debt securities, investors should be aware such securities are generally subject to lower liquidity, higher volatility and greater risk of loss of principal and interest than high-rated debt securities.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in debt instruments with loss-absorption features, investors should be aware such debt instruments are subject to greater risks when compared to traditional debt instruments.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in debt securities through the Bond Connect, they may be exposed to liquidity and volatility risks, as low trading volume of certain debt securities in the China interbank bond market may cause market volatility and potential lack of liquidity.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in “Dim Sum” bonds (i.e. bonds issued outside of Mainland China but denominated in RMB), they are subject to risks associated with “Dim Sum” bond markets.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in urban investment bonds, they are subject to risks associated with urban investment bonds.
  • For those Sub-Funds that are index funds, investors should note the passive investment risk, portfolio management risk and tracking error risk.
  • For those Sub-Funds that are money market funds, investor should note that the purchase of a Unit in those Sub-Funds is not the same as placing funds on deposit with a bank or deposit-taking company, that the Manager has no obligation to redeem Units at the issue price and those Sub-Funds are not subject to the supervision of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. They are also subject to volatility and liquidity risk, interest rate risk, market risk and credit/ counterparty risk.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may use derivatives, they are subject to derivative instruments risk.
  • For those Sub-Funds invest primarily in or their investments are concentrated in single, limited or specialist sector(s) or particular industry sector(s), they are subject to sector concentration risk and risk of investing in specific sector(s).
  • For those Sub-Funds invest in property-related investment instruments, they are subject to real estate/real estate securities risk and real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) risks.
  • For those Sub-Funds applying active asset allocation strategy, they are subject to risk of specific investment strategy and risk relating to active asset allocation strategy.
  • For those Sub-Funds which may invest in underlying funds, they are subject to the risk relating to underlying funds, specific nature of fund of funds and fee structure of fund of funds.
  • For those Sub-Funds which may invest in other collective investment schemes (“CISs”)/funds, they are subject to the risks of investing in other CISs/funds.
  • For those Sub-Funds with investments in exchange traded funds (“ETFs”), they are subject to the risks relating to investment in ETFs.
  • In relation to those Sub-Funds with underlying investments denominated in currencies other than the base currency of the Sub-Fund, investors should note the currency risk.
  • In relation to a Sub-Fund which has Currency Hedged Class(es) of Units or class(es) of Units denominated in a currency other than the base currency of the Sub-Fund, investors should note the risk relating to those class(es) of Units denominated in a currency other than the base currency and cross-class liability risk.
  • In relation to those Sub-Funds which have Units denominated in RMB or have investments denominated in RMB or exposure to RMB currency, investors should note the foreign exchange and RMB currency and conversion risks, and risk relating to redemption and/or distribution payments (if any).
  • In relation to the distribution policy of those Sub-Funds for which the Manager will declare an indicative per annum distribution rate at the beginning of the calendar year, Unitholders will receive written notice regarding such indicative per annum distribution rate. As a whole, distributions paid in that year shall be no less than the indicative per annum distribution rate, any change of such rate will require no less than one (1) month's prior notice to Unitholders.
  • In relation to those Sub-Funds that may pay distributions out of capital or effectively out of capital:
    i) the Manager will normally make distributions out of net income received or receivable. However, in the event that the net income is insufficient to pay the distributions that it declares, the Manager may also, in its absolute discretion, determine that distributions be paid out of capital, or the Manager may, in its discretion, pay distributions out of the gross income while charging/ paying all or part of the fees and expenses to/ out of capital, resulting in an increase in distributable income for the payment of distributions and therefore, the Sub-Fund may effectively pay distributions out of capital. This may reduce the capital available for investment in future and may constrain capital growth; and
    ii) investors should be aware that in circumstances where payment of distributions out of capital or effectively out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of the amount investors originally invested or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any distributions involving payment of distributions out of capital or payment of distribution effectively out of capital (as the case may be) may result in an immediate decrease in the Net Asset Value per unit of the relevant class.
  • Investors should also note the liquidity risk, risks relating to obligations to comply with Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information, risks relating to obligations under Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”), and FATCA withholding tax risk.
  • Please refer to the offering document of the Sub-Funds for further details including investment objectives and policies, charges and expenses, and risk factors, before making any investment decision.

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Cumulative Performance

Calendar Year Performance


All Sub-Funds are dealt on a forward-pricing basis and the listed information is for reference only. Investment involves risk. The price quoted is for your reference and is subject to change without notice. Price of units of the Sub-Funds and the income generated from them (if any) may go down as well as up.

⊲ Fund performance is calculated in the base currency of the Sub-Fund or the denominated currency of the relevant class of Units on a NAV-to-NAV basis with gross distribution reinvested.

⊳ If the history of the relevant class of Units of the Sub-Fund is less than 1 year in a calendar year, the corresponding calendar year performance will be calculated from the inception date to that calendar year-end.

“A” means “Class A”;“A-AD” means “Class A – Administration”;“A-AD Acc” means “Class A – Administration Acc”;“C” means “Class C”;“R” means “Retail Class”;“P-A” means “Provident Class – Class A”;“P-B” means “Provident Class – Class B”;“P-AD” means “Provident Administration Class”;“I” means “Investment Class”. Class A - Administration, Class A - Administration Acc, Provident Administration Class are only available to pension, provident or retirement schemes that use the trust administrative and fiduciary services of the Trustee. Provident Class – Class A is only available to provident, pension or retirement funds/schemes managed or advised by the Investment Manager. Provident Class – Class B is only available to provident, pension or retirement funds/schemes not managed or advised by the Investment Manager. Investment Class is only available to Collective Investment Schemes or other individual or institutional investors that fulfill the specific minimum investment and subsequent holding requirements. This class is not applicable to investors who are eligible to invest in either the Provident Class Units or Retail Class Units.

“NAV”means Net Asset Value. NAV per unit means Net Asset Value per unit. The issue / redemption price of the Sub-Fund will be the same as the NAV per unit, subject to a swing pricing adjustment where the net amount of subscription or redemption of the Sub-Fund exceed a pre-determined swing threshold (if applicable). Investors should be informed that swing pricing is a liquidity risk management tool to ensure fair treatments to investors who remain in the Sub-Fund.

Risk levels are categorized into low, low to medium, medium, medium to high and high. The risk levels are determined by BOCI-Prudential Asset Management Limited based on the investment mix of each Sub-Fund and/or its underlying investments, and represent only the views of BOCI-Prudential Asset Management Limited in respect of the relevant Sub-Fund. Such risk levels are for reference only and should not be regarded as investment advice. You should not rely on the risk levels only when making any investment decision. The risk level will be reviewed and (if appropriate) updated at least annually without prior notice, taking into account the prevailing market circumstances. If you are in doubt about the information of risk level, you should seek independent financial and professional advice.

Please refer to the section “Distribution Policy” stated in the relevant offering documents for the details of the distribution policy of each Sub-Fund. 

Ω The Manager has notified Unitholders that BOCIP China Wealth Fund will be terminated on 30 December 2024, no further factsheets will be provided. Please refer to the relevant Notice to Unitholders for details relating to the termination of the Sub-Funds. BOCIP China Wealth Fund (Class A - HKD Units) have been fully redeemed on 14 October 2024 and no more updates in relation to the NAV will be provided from this date onwards. As regards BOCIP China Wealth Fund (Class A - RMB Hedged Currency Class Units), the price calculated by reference to the NAV per unit of such class of units will be provided.

ΩΩ The Manager has notified Unitholders that BOCIP HK Dollar Money Market Fund will be terminated on 30 December 2024, no further factsheets will be provided. Please refer to the relevant Notice to Unitholders for details relating to the termination of the Sub-Funds.

Investors can refer to the relevant “Notice to Unitholders” for the indicative per annum distribution rate declared by the Manager. Please click the “Document” tab at the top of this page to obtain the relevant documents.

Investors can refer to the “Fund Distribution Composition” for the distribution policy and composition of the latest distribution. Please click the “Document” tab at the top of this page to obtain the relevant documents.

Where class of Units is denominated in a currency other than the base currency of the Sub-Fund, investors may be subject to currency risk and/ or foreign exchange risk.

Investors of Class A–RMB Hedged Currency Class Units, Class A–RMB Units or Retail Class (RMB) Units may be subject to RMB currency and conversion risk.

Only available to investors of Mainland China, and is not offered in Hong Kong.

§ Investor should pay attention to the Currency Hedged Class risk. There can be no assurance that any currency hedging strategy employed by the Manager will effectively eliminate the currency exposure of the relevant Sub-Fund and Unitholders of the relevant Currency Hedged Class may be exposed to currency exchange risk for non-hedged classes. Further, if the counterparties of the instruments used for hedging purposes default, Unitholders of the Currency Hedged Class may be exposed to currency exchange risk on an unhedged basis and may therefore suffer further losses. Where hedging is undertaken, it may preclude Unitholders in the relevant Currency Hedged Class from benefiting from an increase in the value of the relevant Sub-Fund’s base currency.

* The Units of the Sub-Fund are denominated in GBP and therefore investors who invest with a currency other than GBP may be subject to foreign exchange risk.

** The Units of the Sub-Fund are denominated in AUD and therefore investors who invest with a currency other than AUD may be subject to foreign exchange risk.

^ The Sub-Fund is denominated in RMB. Investors may be subject to RMB currency risk and exchange rate risk.

*** The BOCHK Asia Pacific Property Fund has been authorized by the SFC under section 104 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds but not the Code on Real Estate Investment Trusts. SFC authorization is not a recommendation or endorsement of the Sub-Fund, nor does it guarantee the commercial merits of the Sub-Fund or its performance. It does not mean the Sub-Fund is suitable for all investors nor is it an endorsement of the Sub-Fund’s suitability for any particular investor or classes of investor.

Investors should carefully consider their own investment objectives, risk tolerance level and other circumstances and seek independent financial and professional advice as appropriate before making any investments. Please refer to the offering documents of the relevant Sub-Funds for further details (including risk factors, fees and fund information).

Investors should note that Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and Nanyang Commercial Bank, Limited are not the Manager of the BOCHK Investment Funds and NCB investment Funds whilst BOCI-Prudential Asset Management Limited is the Manager of these Funds. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited is the Sponsor of BOCHK Investment Funds and the Distributor of certain Sub-Funds of BOCHK Investment Funds, and Nanyang Commercial Bank, Limited is the Sponsor and Distributor of NCB Investment Funds.

This web page is issued by BOCI-Prudential Asset Management Limited and has not been reviewed by the SFC.

Please read carefully before proceeding

  • Investment involves risk and the Sub-Funds of the BOCHK Investment Funds, NCB Investment Funds, BOCIP Asset Management Investment Funds and BOC-Prudential Index Fund Series (the "Sub-Funds") mentioned in this web page may not be suitable for everyone.
  • Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The Sub-Funds are subject to market fluctuations and exchange rate fluctuations and to the risks inherent in all investments. Price of Units and the income generated from them (if any) may go down as well as up. Therefore, investors could face no returns and/ or suffer significant loss related to the investments. There is no guarantee in respect of repayment of principal.
  • Investing in emerging markets / the People's Republic of China (“PRC”) market may involve increased risks and special considerations not typically associated with investment in more developed markets, such as liquidity risks, currency risks / control, political and economic uncertainties, legal and taxation risks, settlement risks, custody risk and the likelihood of a high degree of volatility.
  • For those Sub-Funds that invest in single country / region, they are subject to concentration or single country / region risk.
  • For those Sub-Funds with investments relating to Mainland market, they are subject to the risks of investing in emerging markets generally and the risks specific to the China market. They may also subject to PRC tax risk.
  • For those Sub-Funds invest in equities, the relevant Sub-Funds' investment in equity securities is subject to general market risks, whose value may fluctuate due to various factors, such as changes in investment sentiment, political and economic conditions and issuer-specific factors.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in the Small and Medium Enterprise ("SME") board and/or the ChiNext market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, they are subject to risks associated with the SME board and/or ChiNext market, such as higher fluctuation on stock prices, over-valuation risk, delisting risk and differences in regulations.
  • For those Sub-Funds invest in small-capitalisation / mid-capitalisation companies, they are subject to risk associated with small-capitalisation / mid-capitalisation companies. The stock of small-capitalisation / mid-capitalisation companies may have lower liquidity and their prices are more volatile to adverse economic developments than those of larger capitalisation companies in general.
  • For those Sub-Funds invest in the equity market in Mainland China, they are subject to risk associated with high volatility of the equity market in Mainland China, and risk associated with regulatory/ exchanges requirements/ policies of the equity market in Mainland China.
  • For those Sub-Funds which have direct access to certain eligible A shares via Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and / or Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, they are subject to risks associated with the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (collectively the “Shanghai and Shenzhen Connect”). The relevant rules and regulations on Shanghai and Shenzhen Connect are subject to change which may have potential retrospective effect. Each of Shanghai and Shenzhen Connect is subject to a set of Daily Quota, which does not belong to the Sub-Funds and can only be utilized on a first-come-first serve basis. Where a suspension in the trading through the programme is effected, the Sub-Funds’ ability to invest in A shares or access the PRC market through the programme will be adversely affected. In such event, the Sub-Funds’ ability to achieve their investment objectives could be negatively affected.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in A shares indirectly through investment in equity linked instruments (“ELIs”) issued by institutions or their affiliates with Qualified Foreign Investors / Qualified Investors or QI (“QI”) status in the PRC, they are subject to risk relating to Investment in ELIs, including: illiquidity risk, potential lack of economic benefits of underlying A shares, repatriation risk, valuation risk, credit risk and QI risk.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in debt securities, they are subject to credit risk, counterparty risk, credit rating risk, interest rate risk, downgrading risk, valuation risk, sovereign debt risk, and liquidity and volatility risks (if applicable).
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in Mainland China onshore debt securities/fixed income instruments, they are subject to credit rating agency risk associated with investments in Mainland China onshore debt securities/fixed income instruments.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in debt securities/fixed income instruments in Mainland market, they are subject to liquidity and volatility risks associated with investments in debt securities/fixed income instruments in Mainland market.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in debt securities rated below investment grade or unrated debt securities, investors should be aware such securities are generally subject to lower liquidity, higher volatility and greater risk of loss of principal and interest than high-rated debt securities.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in debt instruments with loss-absorption features, investors should be aware such debt instruments are subject to greater risks when compared to traditional debt instruments.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in debt securities through the Bond Connect, they may be exposed to liquidity and volatility risks, as low trading volume of certain debt securities in the China interbank bond market may cause market volatility and potential lack of liquidity.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in “Dim Sum” bonds (i.e. bonds issued outside of Mainland China but denominated in RMB), they are subject to risks associated with “Dim Sum” bond markets.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may invest in urban investment bonds, they are subject to risks associated with urban investment bonds.
  • For those Sub-Funds that are index funds, investors should note the passive investment risk, portfolio management risk and tracking error risk.
  • For those Sub-Funds that are money market funds, investor should note that the purchase of a Unit in those Sub-Funds is not the same as placing funds on deposit with a bank or deposit-taking company, that the Manager has no obligation to redeem Units at the issue price and those Sub-Funds are not subject to the supervision of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. They are also subject to volatility and liquidity risk, interest rate risk, market risk and credit/ counterparty risk.
  • For those Sub-Funds that may use derivatives, they are subject to derivative instruments risk.
  • For those Sub-Funds invest primarily in or their investments are concentrated in single, limited or specialist sector(s) or particular industry sector(s), they are subject to sector concentration risk and risk of investing in specific sector(s).
  • For those Sub-Funds invest in property-related investment instruments, they are subject to real estate/real estate securities risk and real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) risks.
  • For those Sub-Funds applying active asset allocation strategy, they are subject to risk of specific investment strategy and risk relating to active asset allocation strategy.
  • For those Sub-Funds which may invest in underlying funds, they are subject to the risk relating to underlying funds, specific nature of fund of funds and fee structure of fund of funds.
  • For those Sub-Funds which may invest in other collective investment schemes (“CISs”)/funds, they are subject to the risks of investing in other CISs/funds.
  • For those Sub-Funds with investments in exchange traded funds (“ETFs”), they are subject to the risks relating to investment in ETFs.
  • In relation to those Sub-Funds with underlying investments denominated in currencies other than the base currency of the Sub-Fund, investors should note the currency risk.
  • In relation to a Sub-Fund which has Currency Hedged Class(es) of Units or class(es) of Units denominated in a currency other than the base currency of the Sub-Fund, investors should note the risk relating to those class(es) of Units denominated in a currency other than the base currency and cross-class liability risk.
  • In relation to those Sub-Funds which have Units denominated in RMB or have investments denominated in RMB or exposure to RMB currency, investors should note the foreign exchange and RMB currency and conversion risks, and risk relating to redemption and/or distribution payments (if any).
  • In relation to the distribution policy of those Sub-Funds for which the Manager will declare an indicative per annum distribution rate at the beginning of the calendar year, Unitholders will receive written notice regarding such indicative per annum distribution rate. As a whole, distributions paid in that year shall be no less than the indicative per annum distribution rate, any change of such rate will require no less than one (1) month's prior notice to Unitholders.
  • In relation to those Sub-Funds that may pay distributions out of capital or effectively out of capital:
    i) the Manager will normally make distributions out of net income received or receivable. However, in the event that the net income is insufficient to pay the distributions that it declares, the Manager may also, in its absolute discretion, determine that distributions be paid out of capital, or the Manager may, in its discretion, pay distributions out of the gross income while charging/ paying all or part of the fees and expenses to/ out of capital, resulting in an increase in distributable income for the payment of distributions and therefore, the Sub-Fund may effectively pay distributions out of capital. This may reduce the capital available for investment in future and may constrain capital growth; and
    ii) investors should be aware that in circumstances where payment of distributions out of capital or effectively out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of the amount investors originally invested or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any distributions involving payment of distributions out of capital or payment of distribution effectively out of capital (as the case may be) may result in an immediate decrease in the Net Asset Value per unit of the relevant class.
  • Investors should also note the liquidity risk, risks relating to obligations to comply with Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information, risks relating to obligations under Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”), and FATCA withholding tax risk.
  • Please refer to the offering document of the Sub-Funds for further details including investment objectives and policies, charges and expenses, and risk factors, before making any investment decision.
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20. Investments involve risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The price of a fund may go down as well as up. Please refer to the offering document of the relevant fund for further details of such fund before investing. Investors should seek professional advice before making any investment decision.

21. Investors should make his own appraisal of the suitability and risks of such an investment and should consult their own legal, financial, tax, accounting and other professional advisors prior to making any subscription or acquisition of units of the funds.

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