追蹤偏離度 Tracking Difference (TD)
* 追蹤偏離度是指本基金與相關指數之間於某一段時間的回報差異。
* Tracking difference is the return difference between the Fund and the Underlying Index over a certain period of time.

追蹤誤差 Tracking Error (TE)
* 追蹤誤差用以衡量本基金在追蹤相關指數上的貫徹程度,其為相關回報差異的波幅(以標準差計算)。
* Tracking error measures how consistently the Fund follows the Underlying Index. It is the volatility (measured by standard deviation) of that return difference.

基金上市日期 Fund Listing Date:

追蹤偏離度 Tracking Difference
一年的滾動追蹤偏離度# Rolling 1-Year TD#:

相關公曆年的追蹤偏離度 TD for the calendar year
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追蹤偏離度圖表 Graph for Tracking Difference
基金表現是按單位資產淨值作為比較基礎,並假設其分派作滾存投資。The fund performance is calculated on NAV-to-NAV basis and assumes reinvestment of distributions.
追蹤誤差 Tracking Error
一年的滾動追蹤誤差#^ Rolling 1-Year TE#^:
#過去十二個月的實質追蹤偏離度及追蹤誤差數據將每月滾動更新。The actual TD and TE for the past 12 months shall be updated monthly on a rolling basis.

^計算每日追蹤偏離度時按過去一年的交易日數量進行年率化。Annalized based on the number of Dealing Days in the past year when daily TD is calculated.


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Investment involves risks. The Fund is subject to market fluctuations and exchange rate fluctuations and to the risks inherent in all investments. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Price of Units and the income generated from them (if any) may go down as well as up. Investors should, before investing in the Fund, carefully read the Prospectus of the Fund for further details.

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